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1-2 of 2 Results
Working Group Recommendation
10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Limor Peer
CURE-FAIR WG Group co-chairs: Limor Peer, Florio Arguillas, Thu-Mai Christian, Tom Honeyman, Mandy Gooch Recommendation title: 10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research Authors:  Lead Authors: Florio Arguillas, Thu-Mai Christian, Mandy Gooch, Tom Honeyman, Limor Peer (CURE-FAIR WG co-chairs) Contributors: Erin Clary, Christopher Erdmann, Ana Van Gulick, Daniel S. Katz, Katherine E. Koziar, Wanda Marsolek, Peter McQuilton, Qian Zhang,…
April 12, 2022
Working Group Supporting Output
Challenges of Curating for Reproducible and FAIR Research Output
Review Status: Endorsed
Authors: Limor Peer
CURE-FAIR WG Group co-chairs: Limor Peer, Florio Arguillas, Thu-Mai Christian, Tom Honeyman Supporting Output title: Challenges of Curating for Reproducible and FAIR Research Output Authors: Limor Peer, Florio Arguillas, Tom Honeyman, Nadica Miljković, Karsten Peters-von Gehlen and CURE-FAIR subgroup 3 Impact: This report identified the current set of key challenges associated with generating, sharing, and using reproducible computation-based scientific results. The report…
April 20, 2021