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EOSC Future grant: Lina Sitz – Earth system physics, Data management


The key challenge of the ambassadorship was to select the relevant and most beneficial tools and approaches from the vast body of knowledge that the RDA has collected during the last 10 years. The size and complexity of the global collaboration combined with schedule and (sometimes hostile) public scrutiny meant that the success of the ambassador role depended on the ability to convince busy individuals working under stressful conditions to take the time to reflect on their working practices.

Lina applied the FAIR principles in the AR6 WGI IPCC context and identified challenges that could be met during its implementation and those that remain in the future. The IPCC example showed that good practices in data sharing can be applied, even in a complex collaboration with a large number of people involved. A practical example was a straightforward encouragement for raising awareness on Open Science and FAIR data for early-career and established researchers. The RDA and the EOSC Future project proved that FAIR doesn’t need to “reinvent the wheel”, as a great deal of tools make their work easy while simplifying the road ahead. Lina has participated in the FAIRification process and on the user experience aspects of the IPCC Interactive Atlas, as well as the recently launched Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas. She is working on improving and including new features to the tools that helped provide metadata to the atlas data, incorporating facilities that allow for the enhancement of provenance information, standardizing terminologies, and aiding interoperability and machine readability.

People and organisations

Lina Sitz (PhD, Physics) is a scientist and an assistant teacher, working in the field of Earth System Physics, both in Argentina and Italy. For more than 10 years studying ocean dynamics and its effects over the climate and the environment. Main activities: development, implementation and analysis of numerical models to study the ocean and atmosphere dynamics and their effects over the climate (regions: South Atlantic Ocean, South America and Central America). Processing and analysis of observed Glider data (region: Levantine sea). Autosal and Thermosalinograph, CTD operator in international oceanographic cruises in the South Atlantic Ocean. In 2019 developed a project to share research data responsibly aimed to provide resources to scientists working under unfavourable conditions (LMICs countries). Her current research interests also include open science, citizen science, research support services and research data management.

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Sustainable development goals

Evidence-based information about the climate change and realistic mechanisms to address it and mitigate its impact underpin most (if not all) Sustainable Development Goals. However, in the following SDGs the impact is particularly obvious.



Logo: Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages