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13 FEB 2024

Collaborative session notes

Group leading the application: 

Active Data Management Plans IG

Active Data Management Plans IG

DMP Common Standards WG

Meeting agenda: 

Meeting objectives: 

This is a joint session of the Active Data Management Plans IG, which is the place to discuss the evolution and monitoring of DMPs, and of the DMP Common Standards WG, where technical implementation is concerned for DMPs harmonisation and exchange across platforms. The workshop builds on the longstanding collaboration of RDA members who have expressed their commitment to support machine actionable DMPs in the Salzburg Manifesto, and gets further input from the IDCC workshop on DMPs interoperability and the Open Science Trails project developing plan-track-assess pathways in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). 

Our aim is to:

1. inform about the Manifesto and our shared vision, position, and efforts in active data management planning.

2. invite the global RDA community to further engage in co-designing, delivering and supporting the commons across regions.

3. identify the key points that we should be looking at next as a group and agree on next steps.

Thus, the session will highlight:

Target Audience: 

This session is relevant to anyone who might benefit from adopting the concept of machine actionable data management plans in their everyday work. This could include:

While we are looking for people who could directly adopt our results, we are also looking for generally interested people who can advise and test assumptions and processes.

Short Group Status: 

The shared objective of the groups is to enable easier adoption of DMPs by the research community. To do so, they organise events to meet with the community and discuss new trends and challenges arising with active DMPs. The WG is in maintenance mode, but follows the discussions happening in the IG to collectively plan for future work.

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group(s): 

This is a joint session between:

Both groups complement each other’s activities by giving input that influences implementation and testing the adoption across stakeholders and diverse settings. The main output, however, organically comes from the DMP Common Standards WG. It has developed an application profile that allows information from traditional DMPs to be expressed in a machine-actionable way, adopted by all major DMP platforms worldwide, namely ARGOS, DAMAP, Data Stewardship Wizard, DMPOnline, DMPTool, RDMO. Thus, automatic exchange, integration, and validation of information provided in DMPs is possible, reducing the workload and bureaucracy often associated with traditional DMPs.

Type of Meeting: 

Informative meeting

Group chair serving as contact person (responsible for the agreement with the corresponding groups): 

Elli Papadopoulou

Additional links to informative material: 

Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 

Engaging Researchers with Data IG

Avoid conflict with the following group (2): 

FAIR for Machine Learning (FAIR4ML) IG

Meeting presenters: 

Co-chairs and attendees

Contact for group (email):

Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.: