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The new RDA web platform is still being rolled out. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Please report bugs, broken links and provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Stay updated about the web site milestones at

The Community of Practice (CoP) Agreement must include the following components:

  1. Introduction: A detailed articulation of what issues the CoP will address, how the CoP is aligned with the RDA mission, and how the CoP will be a value-adding contribution to the RDA community.
  2. User scenario(s) or use case(s) the CoP wishes to address, and the motivation for establishing the CoP.
  3. Objectives: A specific set of focus areas for discussion and action.
  4. Value Proposition: A specific description of who will benefit from the creation and animation of the CoP and what tangible impacts should result.
  5. Engagement with existing work in the area: A specific description, with tangible outputs and metrics, of the planned dissemination and communication, outreach and engagement, incentivisation, endorsement and adoption activities. This area should also address how participation with the community internal and external to RDA will be established and the plan for collaborative relationships. Key elements to include are:
    • A brief review of related work and plan for engagement with any other existing RDA groups;
    • Eventual new IGs and/or WGs to be proposed directly by the CoP;
    • Interaction with key stakeholder organisations within the proposed discipline/research domain;
    • Description of the CoP’s planned approach to engage with their discipline/research domain and its key stakeholder organisations and planned approach to encourage broader community engagement and participation, including proposed ambassadors;
    • Outline of proposed collaboration and partnerships with industry, associations, organisations and media as well as discipline/domain-specific funding opportunities.

6. Outcomes: Outline what the CoP intends to accomplish and how it plans to measure achievement. Include examples of WG topics or supporting IG-level outputs that might lead to spin off IGs and/or WGs later on.

7. Adoption Plans (optional): If applicable, please provide specific plans for adoption or implementation of RDA outcomes within the organisations and institutions represented by CoP members, as well as plans for adoption more broadly within the community.

8. Operational Mechanisms:

9. Timeline: Describe draft milestones and goals for the first 18 months, including the mandatory Public report to be submitted to Council for review every 18 months.

10. Potential Group Members & Supporting Organisations:

11. Adherence to RDA Guiding Principles and Code of Conduct: the application must include a confirmation that the CoP will operate according to the RDA Guiding Principles and Code of Conduct.