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Navigating the Landscape Together: A Research Data Management Café

Collaborative session notes

Group(s) submitting the application: Engaging Researchers with Data IG

Meeting objectives:

This meeting adopts the World Café concept to organise an interactive session on research data management in a relaxed atmosphere. It aims to collaboratively explore the data landscape and future of research data management support, communities, and engagement activities.

Our publication “Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook” collected lessons learnt worldwide and transformed them into innovative use cases with clear guidance for their effective execution. With nearly 8.000 downloads, the cookbook proved popular in Open Science communities through its alignment with the paradigm shift towards a research culture that promotes transparency, collaboration, diversity, integrity, interdisciplinarity and reproducibility. We currently seek to expand our work to accommodate different contexts and the needs of different stakeholders involved in researchers’ engagement. As we explore our options to proceed with the publication of a second edition or revised format for our Cookbook, we welcome professionals to share their experiences in organising engagement activities, especially answering the often-overlooked question of “what didn’t work / what went wrong”.

During our P22 meeting, there will be an introduction to the group and a brief overview of the work done so far, including updates on new Cookbook developments and collaborations. The main part of the session is foreseen for group discussions within the community of RDM practitioners and support staff, cultivating a space for knowledge sharing, collective exploration, and action at policy, technical, and operational levels. More specifically, each group will propose a real use case and work together to set up engagement activities, basing the answer on their own experience and existing case studies while taking into consideration the roles of different stakeholders involved throughout the process. Facilitated by the co-chairs, this process will both inform participants of existing engagement strategies and highlight gaps that should be targeted in a new cookbook.

Meeting agenda: 

  1. Welcome (5 min)
  2. Overview of current activities (15 min)
    • Second version of the Cookbook – new developments.
    • Improving Data Engagement and Advocacy (IDEA) Podcast – new episodes and future plans
  3. Focus group discussions (50 min)
  4. Reporting (15 min)
  5. Closing remarks (5min)

Target Audience: 

This session is relevant to anyone supporting research data management at their institution or research infrastructure.

Group chair serving as contact person: James Savage

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

The Engaging Researchers with Data IG facilitates the exchange of best practice and innovative methods around engaging researchers with research data. The group originated from a working group under the Libraries for Research Data IG that collected case studies on how institutions effectively engage researchers with data. This project resulted in the publication ‘Engaging Researchers with Research Data: The Cookbook’ in late 2019; this IG was formally established in 2020 as a continuation of this work. Since then, it has continued to collect case studies and has produced another engagement output in the form of a podcast.

Short Group Status: 

The objective of this group is to exchange best practices on how to effectively engage with researchers about research data and develop resources to help research organisations increase engagement with researchers. Since its endorsement in April 2020, the group has met regularly at Plenaries, recognising that these are key moments to engage and connect with professionals and other group members. Additionally, this Interest Group is actively working on the collection of case studies on engagement of researchers with data which it shapes and communicates in different forms, such as the Cookbook and the podcast series.

Type of Meeting: Working meeting

Additional links to informative material: 

Avoid conflict with the following group (1)PID IG

Avoid conflict with the following group (2): Working with PIDs in Tools IG

Meeting presenters: IG co-chairs will provide an introduction to the group and the topic. We will issue an open call to the IG members to put together the panel of speakers on the key meeting topic.

Are you willing to host a second, repeat, session at a different time zone?: Yes