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Final VP22 pathways

(*Topics related to setting up infrastructure, procedure, policy, and culture for adopting and implementing FAIR, CARE and TRUST principles)

About the Plenary Pathways

What are the pathways for?

RDA’s Technical Advisory Board creates and reviews pathways for each plenary. Pathways help plenary attendees navigate the plenary programme. By selecting a pathway, attendees can find and attend programme sessions of most relevance and interest.

When can I use the pathways

The RDA VP22  programme is available. Each session can be found via the pathway colours which will assist you in selecting sessions of interest.

RDA Pathway Synopsis

The RDA Pathway Synopsis enhances RDA Plenary meetings experience by providing an overview of all pathways including their relevant Plenary programme sessions, RDA groups, recommendations and outputs, and ambassadors.

Created by Connie Clare & Fares Dhane, the RDA 21st Plenary Synopsis is available below as example. It will be replaced with the VP22 pathway synopsis in April 2024.



Download the RDA P21 Pathway Synopsis

RDA’s 22nd Plenary available pathways:

FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Principles

FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Principles

  • *BO – breakout session in the VP22 programme


BO Group Status Group Name Session Title
BO2 BoF Proposed Working Group Coordinating Earth, Space, and Environmental Science Data Preservation and Scholarly Publication Processes
BO2, BO12 IG FAIR for Machine Learning (FAIR4ML) Updates and feedback on the FAIR4ML IG activities
BO2, BO7 IG Professionalising Data Stewardship Cross-community efforts in building services and professions for Data Stewards
BO3 BoF Launching the Earth and Environmental Sciences Community of Practice (ESES-CoP)
BO4 IG Data Versioning Translating the Data Versioning Principles into Machine Actionable Recommendations
BO5 IG Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem Applying the CARE Principles to Research Samples and Specimens
BO5, BO9 BoF NTRO Gaggle Boosting non text support through experiential and collaborative effort
BO5 WG FAIR Data Maturity Model The FAIR Data Maturity Model in practice: learning from adoption
BO2, BO16 IG Virtual Research Environment IG (VRE-IG) VREs/Virtual Labs/Science Gateways: How could FAIRness badges for providers, developers and users of VREs look like?
BO6, BO17 IG PID PID SLAM – updates from around the world of PIDs
BO7, BO10 BoF Let’s keep talking about mappings !!
BO7 IG FAIR Digital Object Fabric What do you want to know about FAIR Digital Objects, but didn’t (dare to) ask yet?
BO8 WG Wind Energy Community Standards Wind Energy Community Standards Working Group Kick-Off
BO9 IG  Global Water Information Status update on FAIR water data activities
BO11 IG Repository Platforms for Research Data /
Domain Repositories
Data Review in Data Repositories to Facilitate Open Science
BO14 WG Complex Citations Working Towards Recommendations
BO14 WG InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology (I-ADOPT WG) Embeddings of I-ADOPT in existing standards

Data Infrastructures and Environments

Data Infrastructures and Environments

*BO – breakout session in the VP22 programme


BO Group Status Group Name Session Title
BO1, BO15 IG National PID Strategies Equity challenges for National PID Strategies
BO1, BO10 BoF Health Data Commons GORC international model profiling towards FAIR convergence
BO4, BO14 WG Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation (AIDV) A radical approach to AI governance for data spaces and the development of digital twins
BO1, BO11 WG RDA-OfR Mapping the landscape of digital research tools Creating a Categorisation Schema of Digital Research Tools Mapped to the Research Data Lifecycle
BO2 BoF Proposed Working Group Coordinating Earth, Space, and Environmental Science Data Preservation and Scholarly Publication Processes
BO2, BO15 WG  RDA-OfR Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix Harmonising the Future of Multi-Omics Data Standards Integration
BO2, BO7 IG Professionalising Data Stewardship Cross-community efforts in building services and professions for Data Stewards
BO2 IG Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions Data Management Challenges and Solutions for Research Institutions in Africa and Latin America
BO3, BO14 WG
GORC International Model
Global Open Research Commons
Global open research commons: model adoption and next steps
BO7, BO17 BoF Research assessment and science integrity: A global approach with local impact for research policy and the development of digital tools
BO4, BO13 WG Community-based catalogue of requirements for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers Working Group (TRSPs WG) Criteria and Certification for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers
BO5, BO15 BoF National Data Services Do we want to meet in the RDA?
BO5 WG FAIR Data Maturity Model The FAIR Data Maturity Model in practice: learning from adoption
BO6, BO13 IG  Life Science Data Infrastructures Exploring the FAIR requirements for federated infrastructures in the life sciences and beyond
BO2, BO16 IG Virtual Research Environment IG (VRE-IG) VREs/Virtual Labs/Science Gateways: How could FAIRness badges for providers, developers and users of VREs look like?
BO6, BO17 IG PID PID SLAM – updates from around the world of PIDs
BO7, BO12 BoF Active disposal of research data: what you need to know and do before you push delete
BO7 IG FAIR Digital Object Fabric What do you want to know about FAIR Digital Objects, but didn’t (dare to) ask yet?
BO7 WG RDA / CODATA Data Systems, Tools, and Services for Crisis Situations Bridging the gaps between policy, coalface and data science in crisis situations
BO8, BO16 IG Working with PIDs in Tools Bridging Platforms and Practices: Bringing more tools together using PIDs
BO8 IG ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences: Infrastructures to Manage the Pervasive Growth of 2D/3D Imagery in Earth and Environmental Sciences
BO9 IG  Global Water Information Status update on FAIR water data activities
BO10 IG Understanding and Capturing the Uptake of Digital Research Infrastructure Establishing the Understanding and Capturing the Uptake of Digital Research Infrastructure IG
BO10 IG Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data Next steps for Open Science Graphs
BO10, BO14 BoF Research Tool Usage in Data Curation Workflows: Responsibilities & Collaboration
BO11, BO13 IG Data Discovery Paradigms From Discoverability to Chatbots: New trends in Data Discovery
Repository Platforms for Research Data
Domain Repositories
Data Review in Data Repositories to Facilitate Open Science
BO11 WG Building Immune Digital Twins Building Immune Digital Twins
BO12 IG Social Science Research Data The challenges and opportunities for building data infrastructure to support research in the social sciences and humanities
BO17 WG Data Granularity Data Granularity Guidance: Final Outputs & Their Relevance Across the RDA
BO6 BoF Digital twins supporting data-driven science through optimal data management and sharing

Training, Stewardship, and Data Management Planning

Semantics, Ontology, Standardisation


Semantics, Ontology, Standardisation

*BO – breakout session in the VP22 programme


BO Group Status Group Name Session Title
BO1, BO15 IG National PID Strategies Equity challenges for National PID Strategies
BO2, BO15 WG RDA-OfR Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix Harmonising the Future of Multi-Omics Data Standards Integration
BO2, BO12 WG FAIR for Machine Learning (FAIR4ML) Updates and feedback on the FAIR4ML IG activities
BO3, BO17 WG FAIRification of Genomic Annotations WG: FAIRification of Genomic Annotations – metadata harmonisation at scale
BO4, BO17 WG Community-based catalogue of requirements for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers Working Group (TRSPs WG) Criteria and Certification for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers
BO4, BO17 WG Harmonised terminologies and schemas for FAIR data in materials science and related domains Kickoff of Harmonised terminologies and schemas for FAIR data in materials science and related domains Working Group
BO5 IG Metadata Towards Tools and Guidance for Creating and Handling Structured Metadata
BO7, BO10 BOF Let’s keep talking about mappings !!
BO8 WG Wind Energy Community Standards Wind Energy Community Standards Working Group Kick-Off
BO11, BO15 CoP  IGAD Community of Practice Addressing agricultural data ethics, agrisemantics and AI
BO8 IG Data policy standardisation and implementation Revitalising data policy impact and alignment
BO9 IG Global Water Information Status update on FAIR water data activities
BO14 WG InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology (I-ADOPT WG) Embeddings of I-ADOPT in existing standards

Data Lifecycles – Versioning, Provenance, Citation, and Reward

Discipline Focused Data Issues

Discipline Focused Data Issues

*BO – breakout session in the VP22 programme


BO Group Status Group Name Session Title
BO1, BO10 BoF Health Data Commons: GORC international model profiling towards FAIR convergence
BO1, BO14 IG Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Data Introducing the small uncrewed aircraft and autonomous platforms data Working Group
BO2 BOF FAIR for prosthetics design and assessment
BO3, BO17 WG FAIRification of Genomic Annotations WG: FAIRification of Genomic Annotations – metadata harmonisation at scale
BO3 BoF Launching the Earth and Environmental Sciences Community of Practice (ESES-CoP)
BO4, BO17 WG Harmonised terminologies and schemas for FAIR data in materials science and related domains Kickoff of Harmonised terminologies and schemas for FAIR data in materials science and related domains Working Group
BO5, BO9 BoF NTRO Gaggle Boosting non text support through experiential and collaborative effort
BO6, BO13 IG Life Science Data Infrastructures Exploring the FAIR requirements for federated infrastructures in the life sciences and beyond
BO8 WG Wind Energy Community Standards: Wind Energy Community Standards Working Group Kick-Off
BO11, BO15 CoP  IGAD Community of Practice Addressing agricultural data ethics, agrisemantics and AI
BO9 IG  Global Water Information Status update on FAIR water data activities
BO9, BO13 IG Science communication for research data State of practice and future directions
BO12 IG Social Science Research Data The challenges and opportunities for building data infrastructure to support research in the social sciences and humanities

Research Software



*BO – breakout session in the VP22 programme


Transforming Research and improving diversity and impact in society through Arts and practice based approaches.


BO Group Status Group Name Session Title
BO9, BO16 B0F The RDA Data Rebel Alliance 2.0: Transformative Data Futures


Please direct any comments or questions about the RDA Plenary pathways to Irina Hope, Global Events Manager