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  • Group Focus: Data Management, Disseminate, Link, and Find, Policy, Legal Compliance, and Capacity
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  • Group Description

    Draft Charter

    The Vocabulary Service Interest Group (VSIG) seeks to develop community-based recommendations on approaches to publication of controlled vocabularies on the web. Community standard controlled vocabularies are used in metadata annotation and labelling data files to solve problems of ambiguity associated with data markup and also enabling records to be interpreted by computers. This opens up data sets to a whole world of possibilities for computer aided manipulation, distribution and long term reuse. The recommendations of the Vocabulary Service Interest Group will address the needs of research communities for using controlled vocabularies published on the web.  The Interest Group aims to represent all stakeholders involved in the controlled vocabulary lifecycle in research domains: content producers; maintainers; and consumers.  Discussions topics will include, but are not necessarily be limited to: vocabulary representation; reuse; curation; and interlinking or mapping. These discussions will allow the Interest Group to propose solutions allowing the cross-domain use of vocabularies, including mapping relationships between domains. This Interest Group will help to promote good practices by producers and consumers of controlled vocabularies.  The Interest Group will develop a timeline for activities as they form. 
    • VSIG will survey vocabulary efforts from related communities and provide a summary report on existing practices
    • VSIG will identify common terminology in the context of vocabulary publication
    • VSIG will identify common functionality for vocabulary publication services
    • VSIG will collect and report on use cases from the research community regarding using published vocabularies and vocabulary services
    • VSIG will develop recommendations for vocabulary publication services
    • bi-monthly telecons/webex to initiate the activities of the IG and develop a timeline and plan for producing deliverables defined in this charter’s objectives
    • meeting notes and whitepapers to be publicly available via the RDA wiki
    Relationship to other RDA interest- and working-groups
    The VSIG will coordinate with RDA interest / groups that have common interests in vocabulary publication and usage.
    • Data Foundations and Terminology IG
      • VSIG will work with the Data Foundations and Terminology IG to discuss how data objects defined using data models can be associated with terms from research controlled vocabularies.
    • Metadata IG
      • VSIG will work with the Metadata IG to discuss common interest in how vocabulary terms me be utilized in research data metadata and in recommendations for metadata about controlled vocabularies.  
    • RDA/WDS Publishing Data IG
      • VSIG will work with the RDA/WDS Publishing Data IG to discuss common interest in utilizing controlled vocabularies in the publication of research data
    • Domain Repositories IG
      • VSIG will work with the Domain Repositories IG to discuss common interest in controlled vocabulary terms utilization in domain repositories
    Name Email Organization Title Field / Area of Interest Role
    Stephan Zednik zednis2@rpi.edu RPI Sr. Software Engineer Semantic Web co-chair
    Simon Cox simon.cox@csiro.au CSIRO Research Scientist Earth and environmental sciences, semantic web co-chair
    Adam Shepherd ashepherd@whoi.edu WHOI     co-chair
    Adam Leadbetter adam.leadbetter@marine.ie Marine Institute (Galway, Ireland) Team Leader for Data Management Publishing vocabulary services, Content governance for marine science vocabularies co-chair
    Patrick West westp@rpi.edu RPI Principal Software Engineer Semantic Web participant
    Marshall X Ma max7@rpi.edu RPI Associate Research Scientist Semantic Web, Data Science participant
    Cyndy Chandler cchandler@whoi.edu WHOI Information Systems Specialist Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry participant
    Frances Lightsom flightsom@usgs.gov U.S. Geological Survey Ocean Data Ambassador Environmental data management participant
    Louise Darroch lorr@bodc.ac.uk BODC     participant
    Rebecca Koskela rkoskela@unm.edu UNM Executive Director, DataONE   participant
    Matthew Jones jones@nceas.ucsb.edu NCEAS/UCSB     participant
    Dr. Adrian Burton adrian.burton@ands.org.au Australian National Data Service Director, Services National Research Infrastructure participant
    Stephen Richard steve.richard@azgs.az.gov Arizona Geological Survey Chief Geoinformatics Section Geoscience vocabularies, SKOS, XML, interoperability participant
    Arthur Smith apsmith@aps.org American Physical Society Lead Data Analyst physics participant
    Robert Groman rgroman@whoi.edu Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Information Systems Specialist Data Management participant
    Jane Frazier jane.frazier@ands.org.au Australian National Data Service Data Librarian Metadata participant
    Jonathan Yu jonathan.yu@csiro.au CSIRO Senior Experimental Scientist Computer science, Semantic web, Ontologies, spatial data infrastructures, web services participant
    Robert Thomas room@bodc.ac.uk British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) Marine Data Scientist Oceanographic data management and vocabularies participant
    Gema Bueno-de-la-Fuente gbueno@bib.uc3m.es iSchool, University Carlos III of Madrid Assistant Professor digital libraries, vocabularies, open data participant
    Herbert Schentz Herbert.schentz@umweltbundesamt.at Umweltbundesamt GmbH (environment agency Austria (EAA))   semantics, semantic data integration participant
    Dr. Kim Finney kimtfinney@gmail.com FiNK Data Director Data Management; Ontologies participant





  • Group Email

  • Group Type: Interest Group
  • Group Status: recognised-and-endorsed
  • Co-Chair(s): Alexandra Kokkinaki, Yann Le Franc, John Graybeal

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