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Research Data Alliance

With over 14500 members from 151 countries, the RDA provides a neutral space where its members can come together to develop and adopt infrastructure that promotes data-sharing and data-driven research

Active Organisational & Affiliate Members

Individual Members


RDA Regions

The Sarah Jones Award

In Prague, Czech Republic, 14 June 2024, on the occasion of what would have been Sarah’s 43rd Birthday, the RDA is pleased to announce ‘The Sarah Jones Award for exceptional contribution to fostering collaboration in Open Science.’

With this annual award the global RDA community would like to honour Sarah’s memory and her huge contribution to the Open Science community.

Nominations are invited for individuals who have demonstrated an exceptional contribution to fostering collaboration in Open Science that has had positive change and impact as a result of this work. 

The RDA is accepting donations to the fund for the award. If you would like to contribute to the award in Sarah’s name, we’d be most grateful. All contributions go to the award and will serve to allow us to maintain the award for some years.

RDA Events

RDA 23rd Plenary – Hybrid Format

Dates: 12 – 14 November 2024
Location: San José, Costa Rica

The Research Data Alliance’s 23rd Plenary Meeting is taking place in the capital of Costa Rica – San José on 12-14 November 2024. With the theme ‘Sustainable Science’, the 23rd Plenary edition will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and online audience.   

Upcoming Events

RDA Meetings & Events

Group having a meeting