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We are in the process of rolling out a soft launch of the RDA website, which includes a new member platform. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Visitors may encounter functionality issues with group pages, navigation, missing content, broken links, etc. As you explore the new site, please provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work through all issues as quickly as possible. Stay updated about upcoming features and functionalities:

RDA PDS-IG: update, charter & survey

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  • #70484

    RDA Admin

    Dear all,
    We hope you are all safe and healthy! This is an update message for the RDA Professionalising data stewardship IG (in formation). You have indicated that you want to stay updated about our group activities.
    Formal RDA webpage
    Given that at the moment we have multiple lists of interested people, we are trying to integrate them and to use the formal RDA communication channels instead. Therefore, please make sure to sign up, in order not to miss out on any updates. 

    RDA webpage:

    Slack community:

    Birds of Feather session 
    We are very proud of the BoF session on professionalising data stewardship that we hosted at the 15th Virtual Plenary, with over 100 participants. With your help and participation, we made it into a great event. 
    The session agenda, slide deck, notes and mentimeter results are all accessible via the session announcement webpage:
    Activity 1: submitting the charter
    The charter proposal to  establish a formal interest group has now been finalised. Many thanks to all of you for the valuable input you gave on the draft version. The charter is now formally out for review by the community. If you have any additional input, you can submit it through the RDA webpage, with the deadline June 18:
    Activity 2: survey to start working on the challenges
    As we are very eager to get started as an Interest Group, we created a survey to get your input on prioritising the challenges identified in the charter, including dividing tasks and information how you want to become/stay involved. It would be very helpful if you could complete the survey with the deadline June 30. Many thanks and we are looking forward to receiving your input:
    This is all for now folks! We will make sure to keep you updated, but we also love to hear from you, so please use the formal RDA mailing list or Slack to let us know what’s on your mind. Thanks again for your inspiring enthusiasm about professionalising data stewardship.
    All the best and ‘speak’ to you soon,
    Mijke Jetten, Marta Teperek and Peter Neish

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