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Task List and Minutes

  • Creator
  • #138862

    Mark Parsons


    The Task list is at:
    Note this is not a publicly advertised link, but anyone who has the link can read and edit the document. This organic group and wiki is only visible to those in the group.


    11 June 2012
    Attendance: Mark and Leif.
    Minutes: Mark
    Agreed: We will use this Organic Group as the central place to record and track our work. We will continue to use the Google Spreadsheet as the main task list, but we will also record brief minutes here. We may also use the calendar functions when it comes on line.
    Action: Mark to set up wikis and link the spreadsheet [done]
    Mark reported that RDA/US is pursuing another grant to expand and sustain RDA/US and it’s contribution to the Secretariat.
    Leif is also writing documents for RDA/Europe or “ICORDI 1.5” leading to a renewal proposal for ICORDI 2/RDA/Europe.
    We had some discussion about how RDA/[regions] fit into the overall RDA. We agreed that RDA/regions act as coordination or collaboration platforms that help regions contribute to RDA/global in a more cohesive way. RDA/regions are less formal discussion forums that do not undergo the same sort of broad community and technical reviews of formal RDA efforts. Mark will work to incorporate these ideas in to the RDA identity and branding activity listed on the task list.
    Leif will be out for two weeks in Crete staring Sunday. He will continue to be on holiday for three weeks after that, but will be in Finland and somewhat available.
    More updates and so on in the task list. Note I rearranged the list, so that the most recent update is on the left instead of scrolling way off to the right.


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